How Gossip At Work Can Affect Productivity

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In almost all companies and establishments, gossip at the workplace is a common phenomenon. There are companies that prohibit or ban such behavior but it still goes on

Imagine you get newly employed at a firm, and you are very excited on your first day of resumption. There’s a lot of energy and drive to complete even the most complicated task assigned to you by your manager or supervisor. After a week or so, you start to hear gossip filtering from a colleague or group of colleagues about messed up areas of the company, your boss, or your manager.

Having this knowledge may lead to a huge drop in morale which consequently affects your work output. This experience is akin to when Adam and Eve as described in the Holy book ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge and realized that they were naked

Some people would argue that office gossip helps expose the weakness of an organization which may be slightly true in some instances. However, a lot can go wrong when the recipient of such information doesn’t know how to process it. This may lead to undesired results, such as acts of insubordination or yelling at your manager for instance.

Work-Life Never The Same Again

Once you’ve been corrupted by office gossip, your productivity level starts to drop. You are no longer as excited as you were when you first started the job. When you look at your boss or manager, respect and high regard are replaced with contempt and disdain.

Those with high and strong emotional intelligence, may be able to process and move on professionally as compared to does with little or no emotional intelligence.

The Office Snitch

In every company, there is always at least one snitch or two staffs that the company put in place to report back anything going on in any department to the manager, supervisor, or CEO. Office snitches are usually those that like to play favorites to the boss or upper-level management. They normally do this for selfish reasons and don’t mind matching a few toes.

Some companies secretly use snitches to weed out employees with weak emotional intelligence and let the strong ones remain. When the time comes to lay off workers, their names usually make the top on the list without the gossiper’s name.

Most times the office snitch is the one that starts the gossip and pretends to be a friend and confidant. One of the main things an office snitch is after is what your view is on the particular subject matter of gossip and how you would react. Once they have gained your trust the rest is history and life at work becomes a nightmare for you and not for them.

Avoid Office Gossip At All Costs

If you want to succeed and go far in your given career, you must learn to avoid getting directly involved in office gossip. One rule of thumb you must imbibe is never to trust anyone at your office. Always keep all office relationships on a very casual plane with no strings attached.

It’s better not to know and be innocent with a clean and clear mind and attitude towards your job than to be coming to work each day in low spirits because your ears are full of a lot of shit that’s not directly your concern.
